How is hypnotherapy useful when dealing with fractures?
What we Know
So we know how a generally healthy body can and will heal itself from any fracture or disease and reset to a state of ease. Because this process is subconscious along with the healing of a cut, there are factors at play we are unaware of until we become aware.
A little biology
Fractures, once immobilised will knit together with the action of Chondroblasts and Chondrocytes, Chondroblasts build and Chondroyctes maintain. The former being the immature cells with the later developing into maturity.
The Evidence
Research has proven that hypnotherapy is very useful in enhancing the recovery of bone fractures. With all processes of medical intervention replicated on a control group (no hypnotherapy) compared to the group undergoing hypnotherapy, recovery time increased by 41%.
Because of our understanding of the mind/body interaction, the process of enhancing the above process seems simple, through the delivery of positive imagery accepted at the unconscious level. So hypnotherapy can enhance the physiological healing process through psychological means.
The Neurobiology
It is just not the direct approach such as above, but also the effect produced by parasympathetic dominance. When in this state the body heals by allowing the excretion of feel-good chemicals such as Endorphins, Serotonin and the positive expectation neurotransmitter Dopamine. By employing hypnotherapy a win win situation is created. By the client allowing these subconscious processes to evolve, he can guarantee his own success.
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